Sunday, February 28


Boys run rampant on my side of the family. I have six brothers and was over the moon when my first baby was a girl. The blogosphere is bursting with projects and inspiration of the feminine persuasion. I have more ideas of things to make for Lucy than I know what to do with. But, since Henry came along, I've had a harder time finding things that inspire me to create for him. A blog I follow dedicated last month to all things boy. I thought I'd share it for anyone else with the same dilemma. You can check out tons darling ideas here.

If I really get on top of things this year I want to make Henry a matching Easter tie to Lucy's dress. The Y chromosome is dominating the next generation of my family as Henry has seven boy cousins (five of which were born within a year of each other). Wouldn't it be cute if they all had matching ties for Easter, Mom?!? :) I found this pattern and instructions online. I think this is something I could get really into making for my little buddy!

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