Monday, February 22

Jubliee Quilts

Finished! These quilts have been taking over my living room for over a month and it feels good to have them finished. Far from perfect, but with the deadline past on Friday, they are good enough! I brought them to the school this morning and it was cute to hear the kids declaring they found the squares they designed. It will be fun to be able to attend the auction and see that the quilts find good homes.


  1.'re the BOMB! I think my fave ended up being the brown and green...

  2. Wow, Becca! This is a labor of blood, sweat and tears! I hope the bids on these are high. Great job! I like the pinkish one.

  3. They are beautiful! My fav is the brown and green too. This blog is ooozing with creativity!

  4. Becca, you rock! At first I thought the pink one was my favorite, but then I realized that I want them all.

  5. Wow I love them all!! Becca, these are great!

  6. Awesome Bec! Yeah, I like the brown and green one too!

  7. These turned out so beautiful!
