Wednesday, March 10


When Becca was 10 years old our family lived in Brisbane, Australia for a year. That is where we became fans of their national dessert, Pavlova. Named for a famous ballerina, Pavlova consists of a meringue shell which can be stored in a cool dry place for a couple of days. Just before serving it is topped with whipped cream and fruit such as berries, kiwi, and mangoes.

Beat 4 egg whites until stiff peaks are formed. Slowly add 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon at a time until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then sprinkle 1 Tablespoon of corn starch and 1 teaspoon of white vinegar over the stiff egg whites. Gently fold.

Pre-heat the oven to 250 degrees. Place the meringue mixture on a dinner plate size circle of parchment paper.
Spread the mixture to make an eight inch round with a slight well in the center. This will be filled with the whipped cream and fruit later.

Now it is ready to bake!

Place the unbaked pavlova in the 250 degree oven on a low rack. Bake for one hour. Turn off heat but leave in oven undisturbed for two more hours. Pavlova should turn a light bisque color and have a crisp outer shell. It will be like marshmallow inside.

When ready to serve, top with sweetened whipped cream. On top of that, arrange any combination of soft fruits or berries. Mine is going in a tupperware container to save for a dinner party on Friday night!


  1. I am attempting to make it right now! Wish me luck :)

  2. when we were in Sweden two years ago,my sister in law made this for us and then when I came home I made it a few times. I had forgotten the name, (and how good it was) I might just have to make it again soon :)
