Monday, March 29

Spring Break: Memphis

With Spring Break upon us and perfect weather we loaded up the kids and joined some friends for a day in Memphis.

First stop: the Pottery Barn and Williams Sonoma Outlet. Good deals were had by all. Some of which included a blue gingham Easter basket liner WITH Henry's name already embroidered on it for 97 cents! an adorable red scalloped shelf that I have been eying for a long time, only $9.97! and a spoonula for 49 cents! I do love a good deal! Then, on to lunch at an amazing hole-in-the-wall. Seriously good Italian food served on unassuming Styrofoam tableware. If you are ever in Memphis, I strongly urge you to try Fino's Italian Grocery.

The kids thoroughly enjoyed their spaghetti.

My favorite was the blueberry/mascarpone cake. Oh. My. Goodness. I would have taken a picture of it, but we ate it too fast. Same goes for the second piece we devoured. The cake is on the far left in the case. I think we found another reason to go to Memphis.

With full bellies, we left to explore the Memphis Zoo and Aquarium. The weather could not have been better. We had never been there before. There are lots of streams and fountains that are open for the kids to splash in. Needless to say, there were no dry children on the ride home.

The little meerkats were my favorite exhibit. They are so cute!

Lucy and Ryli have taken their friendship to the next level. It is the level that involves pacts and promises and badges.

See that face Henry is making? That has been his expression of choice lately. There is a sound that goes along with this face, but I'll spare you from that.

The last stop on our Spring Break Staycation was Costco. There is something about traveling 2 1/2 hours to get to a Costco that makes it that much more special. We sure put in a full day and were completely exhausted driving home, but I think it was worth it.


  1. Henry's face says, "I am a frustrated two year old in a world where everyone can do everything I wish I could."

  2. Glad you had such a nice birthday! I got your card today -- thanks! So glad you have a blog now, too:) And I just clicked over to Suzy's and left a comment...turns out she is friends with someone I've known most of my life! Small world...Anyways, this is probably a silly question, but who is Lizzie?

  3. lizzie is my little brother, reuben's fiance. they are living in new york now.

  4. I was thinking that might be the case, but wasn't sure. She kinda looks like she could be related to you guys.
