Tuesday, April 13

Henry's 3!

Happy birthday to my little buddy!

Today is Henry's 3rd birthday. It's hard to believe that it's been three years since I had a new born in my arms! Even though technically he is far from babyhood, I'm not feeling too infant deprived... he is still in diapers, still takes a pacifier, and still doesn't sleep through the night. But, for all the exhaustion this one has caused, he is worth the weight of my heavy eyelids in gold. Henry is mischievous but quick to say he's sorry. He loves his tummy, face, back, and ears tickled. Can't get enough Medjool dates and tomatoes and anything sweet. He is obsessed with "Cars" and Richard Scary and "hee-hees"-- which is what he calls braziers. He loves babies and dogs. This boy is generous and good at sharing and has a vivid imagination. He spends his days telling me stories about boys who fall off their bikes and bringing me presents with pretend gowns in them (I have no idea where he learned the word "gown"). We sure love this guy. I am so excited to see what the future holds for this very special boy.


  1. Happy Birthday Henry! hee hee...

  2. Awww, Henry is one of my favorites. He is so adorable! Hope it was a good birthday!

  3. He is such a sweet boy! He is one of the highlights of nursery for me!
