Friday, April 9

Second Hand Goodness

I come from a long line of thrifters. It may have started with Grandma Opal, who was an all around saver of items and collector of cream pitchers as a product of the Great Depression. Most of my Christmas and birthday presents from her were either handmade or purchased from a thrift store. Her gifts were always treasures. She even taught me to sing an old song called, "Second Hand Rose", which laments the story of a girl who's "never hand a thing that ain't been used". I think my mom started thrifting due to the financial burden of having five, feisty, fast growing children. Mom tells Jasinski lore of loading up our old Volkswagon van with all of us kids and hitting Saturday yard sales with her girlfriends. In fact, some of my fondest teenage memories are of going to thrift store half-off sales with my mom. Did you know that, Mom?

I can even recall the day I truly embraced my frugal DNA. In elementary school, everyone who was anyone had an ESPRIT bag. Remember these?

I really, REALLY wanted one but simply could not afford it on my meager babysitting income. One summer day, we went to a garage sale and I found the limp canvas Esprit tote of my dreams for only a few dollars. I felt liked Charlie when he opened his candy bar and saw the golden ticket! Euphoria flooded over me as I realized my desire for name brand awesomeness that was so important to my 12-year old self (okay, still is) could be a reality-- I just had to be patient and look. It was like cheating the system and I felt like the only person who knew about it! Even if my tastes have become a little more eclectic and now I get goose bumps over hunting vintage finds, I've been hooked ever since. For whatever the reason, whether genetic or circumstantial, shopping second hand is now second nature.

So, this week, a new Savers (or Value Village for West Coasters) opened. If you've never been to a Savers grand-opening, I encourage you to seek one out. They never disappoint! Their new stores must be stocked with hand picked items from highly trained people because everything is in pristine condition. There is something really satisfying about them. Here is just a bit of the goodness I walked out with:

books for lucy (and a couple for henry)

a fantastic little stool and a great click clack track for henry

I also found some Mini Boden shorts{$2.99!!!}for Henry, among a number of other things. I know! I still can't believe it!


  1. Great job Becca!! The car thing was Bradley's favorite. Henry will love it!

  2. Wow! Look at the books!
    But where is your picture of the DUGGARS!!!

  3. Melissa- Dang it! I should have asked them for head shots or something for next year's Jubilee. :)

  4. We should tag-team thrift it more often (and find stuff for each other)! 8) I wore my "new" shoes in Memphis and received several compliments. thanks!

  5. I remember you going to nursing homes singing that song...miss you!

  6. i'm so jealous. i love that i am close to a lot of d.i. stores, but they always seems so picked over. now i miss the dirty thrift stores in minnesota, because there were way more treasures there. eva and i have talked about doing a girlfriend trip one day where we just go thrifting and to a giant flea market somewhere in the midwest. are you game? we just gotta convince the husbands.

  7. Emily- I totally agree! You saved me with that train case!

    Mindy- I miss you, too! It would be so fun to get together. Do you know when are you going to be in Washington next?

    Amanda- That sounds like the funnest trip ever! I'm in (and consider Billy convinced).

  8. Wow Bec! You got some good finds!
