Monday, August 9

Hello, Again

There's something about summer in Arkansas that just sucks all of the creative juices out of me. I think it's 110 degree humidity. We haven't been doing much more than hanging out at the pool and hitting Sonic's half-price drink hour. But, with the faint ringing of school bells to pull me out of this summer's swelter, I wanted to get a few things made for Lucy's back to school ward robe.

Here is the first of a few projects I've got in the works. This dress is a Sandi Henderson pattern that I've been wanting to try for such a very long time. This pattern was so nice to use. The markings on the pattern are somewhat minimal, but the instructions are presented in a color, brochure style that are very easy to follow. I really hate buying a designer pattern and feeling like it is poorly made. But, Sandi's patterns are great-- sturdy, high quality, something you could use again and again with out fear of tearing. I used Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane line and I love how it turned out! The weight of the the Nicey Jane fabric is heavy enough that it will work well into the fall.


  1. so cute!! Becca you are amazing!

  2. love it! i've been eyeing that pattern so it's good to know it's a good one!

  3. You did a great job! I love the pattern and the fabric. Can't wait to see it on Lucy!
