Tuesday, September 28

Have I Mentioned I'm a Sucker for School Supplies?

I l-u-v school supplies.

I knew I'd made the right choice in a husband when his mother gave us our own boxes of colored pens one year for Christmas. When I spy a gigantic pack of Sharpie markers in a store, all color coordinated and such, my heart beats a little faster. I buy Lucy a new pair of scissors every year for school, not because she wore her last pair out, but simply because I'm a sucker for school supplies. Organizing my "office", which is in my kitchen (where else should a professional homemaker's office be, I ask you?), is one of my favorite things to do. I love to line up my pens and straighten my cardstock and sort my bills-- A LOT. I do know this behavior is probably something they could make a TLC show about, but I digress.

Last week, Lucy's teacher sent home a note about the kids needing a pencil bag that could snap in to a binder. I dutifully searched the three Targets in my vicinity and came up empty. Apparently, once school starts, the stores around here reduce their pencil pouch stock dramatically. SO, I decided to make my own pencil pouch! It ended up being so easy and the perfect project for this Denyse Schmidt decor weight fabric I've had for a while.


  1. Becca, you never cease to amaze me :) ---someday we should live nearer to eachother

  2. I love school supplies so much I want to be a teacher when I grow up! I graduated with a degree in elementary ed. in 1977 and just the smell of pencil lead and chalk (no more chalk, just white boards and smart board, sigh) makes MY heart beat a little faster! But with seven kids I couldn't afford new scissors every year. Alas, my baby is a senior and I am dusting off that teaching certificate and bugging every principal I know for a recommendation. Wish me luck!

  3. Becca, that pencil pouch is too pretty to hide inside a binder! You get an A+ for this!
