Friday, September 10

Sweet Dreams!

Another episode in long distance grandmothering--

Sewing for my grandchildren is one way I am able to stay connected with grandchildren I seldom get to see. On my last visit to L.A. the girls picked out some fabric for pj pants and here are the results. I love the giggly phone calls I get when they open their packages.

I warned Eva and Leah that they might get a sugar high when they sleep in these sweet confections. Eva wanted popsicle pants and Leah loves anything with cupcakes. Hedwig got a new owl blanket too.

1 comment:

  1. adorable! Have I told you two how much I love seeing your projects?? You are both so talented. (I was really tempted to put SEW in there, but thought it was too easy of a pun)

    Had a small "yikes" moment reading this tonight, thinking that Peter and Jean have a son named Hedwig. I'm really hoping you're referring to the stuffed owl ;)
