Saturday, October 2

For Ingrid

My former college roommate and band mate, Eva, is getting ready to have her first baby. I am so excited for her and her husband Kirk-- by far, some of the coolest people I know. They run their own letterpress company making darling calendars and cards and artwork. Eva has such an amazing eye for design-- folksy yet simple. She has more talent and gumption in her little finger than I do in my entire self and I really admire her.

I wanted to make something special to welcome their little Ingrid to the world. I put together a diaper and wipes carrier with a vintage yellow gingham lining and a big, old, black button.

I've been looking for an excuse to make these Quick Change Trousers from Anna Maria Horner's "Handmade Beginnings" since my bestie made them for her baby. Reversible pants seem like the perfect thing for fall.

back detail
a peak inside

I also threw in a little embellished onesie to go with the pants.

Good luck, Eva and congrats!

If you want to check out Eva and Kirk's work you can visit their shop here.
If you want to check out Eva's blog, you can see it here.

1 comment:

  1. Becca, I'm so behind on my blog reading! I just barely saw this! And it made me excited all over again to see Ingrid in these adorable things that you made her! I LOVE it all... but I have to say - esp those pants. They're maybe the cutest pants ever. You are so talented. Thank you!!! I wish we lived closer to one another...
