Wednesday, October 6

Hair Mathmatics

this or this


My new haircut.  Sigh.  Not the Michelle Williams bob I asked for, but it always grows back, right?  And just so you know, that last picture is after I tried to mat down the back by wearing a kerchief all evening.  I'm hoping some water and shampoo will help... wish me luck.


  1. Becca!! Your hair is so short. I'm sure that you will make it look great. You always do. I think it looks good already, even with the hair poking up in the back. :)

  2. Well, after seeing the kerchief-free version now, I can still assure you that you look adorable no matter what. I know it's frustrating, though. I swear some hairdressers have a pet haircut they like to do regardless of what a client asks for. At least you can pull it off well while it grows out. :)

  3. Becca, I don't think you can go wrong with any hairstyle. I think it's cute! especially with your facial expression in picture 2 :)

  4. Becca, you still look hot. I'm sorry it wasn't what you wanted, but you make it look good :-)

  5. Oh do I sympathize with you!! Not many things worse than a haircut you're not happy with. Looks great though, even the bed head looking part. You always look fresh and beautiful to me.
    Just wondering--doesn't your hair have a bit of body like the ones from the picture? Did the stylist use a straightener or something? Because your's looks much straighter than the pic.

  6. What was your hairdresser smoking?! (You look fab, but that is obviously not the haircut pictured in either photo)
    #1. They stacked the back. Which is sooo blatantly, obviously not stacked in the photos.
    #2 Why did they angle the front and use such a heavy bang? It should be lightly textured and layered around the face.
    Seriously Becca, you deserve to get your money back. The haircut you received is absolutely nothing like the ones pictured. You can quote me on that. Whoever did it needs to go back to school or get some much needed advanced training.
    That said- you still look hot!

  7. thanks, everyone! it's starting to grow on me. i'm sure i'll love it in a month or two.

    mindy- the stylist didn't straighten it. my hair is really straight, so i know it's different from the pictures, but if it's layered right, i can get a little wave going. :)

    kristin- i should just fly you out here every time i'm itching for a change! i think the hairdresser did a good job on the cut, but it just wasn't what i was asking for. the part i like the least is that it's asymmetrical. the left side is shorter then the right. i kept asking her to take up/thin out the right side more, but it didn't really help. :) i don't think i'll go back to her. :)

  8. this makes me laugh! I was in Provo visiting my mom two weeks ago and printed off those pictures of michelle williams...went to shep and it's cute...just not quite the same. :) you look great though!
