Monday, November 1

Holiday Dish Towels

I made these for Jenny's birthday. I wish I knew what kind of fabric the off-white is. I bought it two years ago at JoAnn's and they don't seem to have it anymore. It is 100% cotton woven fabric, almost like a tight waffle weave. I stitched a narrow band of contrasting fabric to a holiday print strip about six inches wide. Then I stitched the right side of the contrast piece to the wrong side of the white. When I flipped the print piece to the right side of the white, I pressed about an inch of the white piece up, giving an extra band of white below the contrast piece. I top stitched the both sides of the narrow contrast band. Next, I pressed under 1/4 inch at the top of the accent piece and top stitched it in place. Then I pressed a 1/4 inch hem on the sides and top of the dishtowel and stitched.

On the Halloween towel pictured here, I simply attached the wider piece to the white fabric so when I flipped it over the narrow band was at the top.

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