Tuesday, December 21

Just Cozying Up With Darth

Doesn't Darth look ominous AND inviting, sitting on the rocker?  I made this last minute gift for our sweet friend Cannon who turned 5 this week.  For some reason, I think it's hilarious!  

The last few weeks have been full of holiday parties, gift exchanges, birthdays and special sewing projects that can't be revealed until Christmas morning.  It has been a whirlwind-- but the fun kind of whirlwind.  Now, things are starting to wind down.  Projects are getting finished up.  Presents are mostly wrapped.  School is out.  Maybe now I can catch up on some blogging. :)

Darth and I hope you are enjoying the season as much as we are!



  1. if I send you some money for supplies, shipping, and your time, could you make one for us?? Whenever things wind down of course. It is awesome!!

  2. you should sell them becca. i would totally buy one for my almost 5-year-old. :)
