Thursday, January 13

Ottoman Empire

  I found this little darling at Goodwill for a price that was too good to pass up.  I've dabbled in reupholstering before and thought this would be fun to play with.

I got it home, removed the green vinyl only to find this little surprise.  I'm pretty sure that is cancer growing on the straw.

So, I wrapped it in plastic laminate (to seal in whatever delightful things are hiding in that hay), topped that with some thin batting and then... the piece de resistance: gorgeous velvet and cotton upholstery fabric donated by my good friend for the purpose! 
Those corners were a little trickier than expected.  Despite my weak staple gun skills (never mind that right corner), it's a very nice addition to the living room.  
Doesn't it look lovely with our new-to-us rug?  Another home-improvement-freebie from my design diva amiga.

Of course the children were in tears, begging me to take their picture on the new ottoman.  The children get want the children want.  I crown them emperor and empress of the ottoman empire.


  1. Nice work... I am envious of your skills

  2. uh, don't be envious. there really are no skills what so ever. in fact, i was just wondering to myself how much is would cost someone who knew what they were doing to re-upholster that ottoman. it couldn't be much, could it?

  3. that is to say "how much it would cost to hire someone".

  4. i LOVE that fabric. I saw it as a curtain backdrop at the Holiday House and started coveting it then. Do you know where Kristin bought it? The ottoman looks great!

  5. emily, i got it at cynthia east. i'm pretty sure they still have it.

  6. It looks great! I love the fabric and your "new" carpet.

  7. Becca, my house is so boring compared to yours! Very cute! Say what you want, but you definitely have the talent and skills!

  8. I stopped by your blog today - looks great.
