Thursday, January 20

A Package & A Cause

I think it's universally felt that good mail days are good days in general.  When this little package landed on my doorstep it said, G'Day." and I said, "Yes, it is!"  

Thanks to my wonderfully thoughtful friend, Lissy ( who really is the most caring, guileless person I know), I get to play with these super cute cupcake papers from Australia.  Lissy makes the most darling cakes and gifts, wrapped in lovely trimmings.  I wish she would start a blog, so everyone could see how talented she it.  When I asked her where she found such cute liners, she said she'd send some my way.  Lucky me!  And here they are:

 Don't they just make you want to bake something delightful? 

If you didn't guess, Lissy lives in Queensland, Australia.  We met when I was ten-years old and we were in the same grade six class at Whiteshill State School in Brisbane.  That is the same Brisbane now underwater due to terrible floods.  Thousands have been displaced and there is insurmountable damage done to the city. 
Never fear, Australia!  The blogosphere is on it!  If you would like to help, check out Make-It-Perfect's fund-raising auction.  All proceeds go to help flood victims.
Go HERE to see the auction items, raffles and read more about the cause.  
Check out some of the items up for bid:

Here are a few more auction/fund raising sites you can check out:
Chantal Vincent Art Auction (it's not just art, it's all kinds of things)
The Oz Material Girls

Thank you Lissy!  I'm sending good thoughts to you and all of our Aussie friends!

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