Tuesday, February 15

Blog Gap

In the year that Becca and I have had this blog one thing has become apparent: There is a generation gap when it comes to blogging. You may have noticed that almost no one comments on my posts. You may not know it, but not one of my friends has ever visited or friended our blog. In fact when I tell my grandma-aged friends about my blog, they look at me like I have visited another planet meaning it is interesting to hear about but they'll leave the wild frontier to people in space suits.

The thing I have noticed is that a nightgown photographed in my living room lacks the appeal of one photographed in Becca's living room. I used to chalk it up to the natural Arkansas sunlight flooding in through her windows--something that never filters through the Puget Sound fir trees! But more recently I realized I am lacking the 1950's red vinyl chairs, the vintage blues and greens and the eclectic charm she will deny she has. I am also way too literal to be a blogger. When I think of Darth Vader I think costume, whereas Becca thinks applique! I might post a recipe but Becca turns a food into a craze! Lots more fun, and lots more doable!

And finally, the thing that separates a 30 something blogger and a grandma contributer is, alas, age. You girls have way more energy! I can't believe the volume and variety of creative projects that flow out of my darling daughter. I am going to the moon in Becca's rocket, and I am happy to go along for the ride.


  1. I'll post a comment! :)

    I love to see BOTH of your posts. I think your mother/daughter creative blog is such a fun idea.

  2. you're the hippest g-ma i know, Janene!

  3. Janene, I'm gonna totally fess up JUST for you... I consider myself a youngster, although I have a few years on Becca! Anyway, following blogs has been something that I've just recently gotten unto. I would totally give that LOOK when considering catching someones blog. For starters the web addresses were kinda on crack. :) Remembering everyones weird address was, well, just not worth it! I didn't realize there were apps to organize all the blogs I cared to stalk. :).

    This is the best part! I called my nerdy husband. :) who cared enough to explain to me how it all worked. Turns out, I was the nerd! HA!

    Anyway, I enjoy reading your posts, too! I want to make some of your superhero capes for my baby boys!

  4. mom, your post has me in tears. i don't even know what to say, but i love you. thank you for your very kind words. and, i know for a FACT that billy's dad reads our blog. :)

  5. very sweet janene!! Becca has indeed always had some special pizzazz--what a blessing to have raised such a beautiful 30 something!!

  6. I have commented before, and I think your sister constitutes as a friend. :)
