Monday, February 21

UNO Pillow Cases

I am desperate to connect with my little grandsons spread across this nation. When Jenny told me about 2 year old Blake's fascination for the Wild Card in the UNO deck, I wracked my brain to know what I could send him that would let him know how much Grandma J. adores him. And then I was struck with the fact that the dimensions of a an UNO card are very similar to a pillow case. In fact, my high school senior, Isaac, did the math and the width and height ratio is the same!

 Again, with Isaac's help, we made letter stencils on WORD in the appropriate sizes. Digging through my scraps I came up with the right fabric colors, and Heat Bond and a lot of tiny zigzagging did the rest!

Of course, I couldn't send Blake a Wild Card without sending 4 year old Alex the UNO card. After all, he is the one who loves to play the game. Blake just likes to hold the Wild Card.

All bundled up with love in Washington and destined for two grandma- deprived boys in Kentucky.Sure hope they know how much I have thought about them all day today.


  1. I LOVE it! We are mad Uno fans in this house, in all its variations. Those pillowcases are awesome. Great job, Grandma.

  2. These are so cute! I totally see where Becca gets her crafty genes from. :)
