Monday, April 25

Easter In Pictures

Easter in Ones and Twos:
Two egg hunts.  One delicious brunch.  One fun concert.  One ham dinner with friends.  One handmade gingham tie.  Two pans of croissant bread pudding (eaten over two days).  One yummy carrot cake.  Two Easter baskets hidden and found.  One  lovely church service.  One freshly bathed dog.  


  1. and one dead squirrel? what was that?

  2. mindy, what?? a dead squirrel?

  3. oh! mindy, that's our puppy!!! he was eating the grass at the park during one of our egg hunts. :)

  4. I love the blue glasses to match Henry's tie. Very classy. And I had to look at the dog picture twice before I figured out it wasn't a sick Easter bunny lying on the ground!

  5. I love the goofy face picture of Henry and the Lovely Lucy keeps getting prettier each day. Just want to smother you all in hugs and kisses. Miss you extra much on the holidays.

  6. Henry wearing glasses is one of the cutest things ever. And Lucy is looking like such a pretty, grown-up girl!

  7. I love that you added the dog in there:) Cute family pic!!!

  8. did you say hand made tie?? would LOVE to see a tutorial of that! love the family picture!
