Wednesday, June 1

Sewing Sewing

Every night after dinner dishes I disappear into my recently designated "sewing room". It is nice to see a concrete accomplishment after a day of substitute teaching junior high schoolers!
A birthday gift for a daughter-in-law!
Violin and viola chin rests for my talented husband!
A sweater top for grand daughter.
Lengthened some ready made costume pants for a grandson. Had to cut off fabric from the top of the pants and then attach it to the bottom. Used hem tape to make the most of every centimeter. Then I had to replace the top with some plain black fabric. I think it is going to work! He wears this suit for his part as a gangster in a kid's version of "Guys and Dolls" for a summer community theater production.
A summer dress for a grand daughter's birthday!

1 comment:

  1. holy smokes! you've been busy! i love how the dress for eva turned out!
