Tuesday, July 5

Swim Team: GO Gators!

Swim team season has started again.  We are members of a little neighborhood pool with a low key swim team and great coaches.  

Henry was really on the fence about swim team.  At first, he couldn't wait to join up for his first year.  Then, practicing became a little daunting and he wanted to quit.  But, I convinced him to race today in their first meet (because I KNEW he would throw a fit when everyone got t-shirts and ribbons if he was left out).   It took some persuasion, but he raced... at his own leisurely pace, but he did it!  

 Lucy was really excited to swim tonight.  No first meet jitters here.

 She did a great job and came in first in each of her rounds.  She ended up with a 2nd and 3rd place ribbon for free-style and breast stroke!  I am super proud of her, but she was a little disappointed because she thought she had won 1st place.  Even though we went over how the judges time lots of rounds to determine the winner, I'm still not sure she understood.  Last year, the coaches gave out ribbons to everyone, but today they ran out after the 3rd places were handed out.  So, Henry was sad he didn't get a ribbon and has decided, once again, swim meets are dumb.  We are now focusing more on beating personal bests and less on the ribbons and hoping for a happier ending to next week's meet.

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