Tuesday, August 2

Togetherness Makes: 2011 Edition

Over our little mid-summer get together, when not sight seeing or eating, we were busy making stuff!

My brother's niece, Savanah, is starting 8th grade and deserving of some extra-special hand-made back to school supplies.  First up, Mom free-handed a copy of a Forever 21 shirt Savvy bought.  This is how it turned out:
As everyone knows, corduroy backpacks are soo in this year, but the stores haven't caught on yet.  So, we modified the messenger bag pattern from Oliver + S's book into a backpack big enough for junior high.
Everyone pitched in.
I think it turned out pretty cute.  Savanah made the little flowers.  Mom embroidered the hedgehog.  I'm crossing my fingers that it will hold up once there are books in it!

Lucy made this guy.
And, in the grand tradition of family reunions... I made some matching t-shirts to along with our video game playing theme.
Angry Birds!
Mom, can't wait to see what we make together next time!

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