Saturday, September 24

Balloon Glow

Our first balloon glow was super.
The weather was perfect.
We arrived a bit early.  Staked our our spot.
Which was behind these awesome lawn chairs.
 There was cotton candy and roasted corn on the cob. 
Then, the first balloon appeared over the horizon.

 The sun started setting and the glowing began.


  1. Fun stuff! I would love to see that with you.
    Henry, you are looking quite handsome, and Lucy, you are just as gorgeous as ever.

  2. This looks like fun! Maybe next year when I am not exploding from my seams!! We miss you!!!!!

  3. So all the glowing is on the ground, not in the air?

  4. teriney- we miss you guys, too! let's hang out soon.

    mom- the glowing is done on the ground. it's really neat-- when the balloons fire up, it sounds kind of like the fire swamp from princess bride.
