Friday, September 23

Showers and Birthdays

It's been hard to get back in to the swing of sewing since our move, but it's coming back to me... slowly.
We've had a handful of parties in the last few weeks, which has helped.

I went to a shower for a friend who's expecting her first in a few short weeks.  She is a musician and I thought she might enjoy one of our family's favorite books, "Animal Orchestra". 


I also made a thin, knit blanket. 
And a wipes & diaper pouch.

One of Henry's cute friends turned four.  She is the girliest-girl and just darling.  So, Henry and I made a skirt for her together.  He insisted on pink and purple and loved sitting on my lap, guiding the fabric through the machine.  If there are any mistakes, I'm totally blaming him. 


  1. You know, I don't think I have ever seen that book before! What a cozy blanket!

  2. Avery wore that skirt the first 3 days after she got it. She would have worn it more if I had not taken it from her to wash it:) Its adorable and I love it! (especially cause it was hand-crafted by the Becca Griffin) Thank you!

  3. Mom- We got this book when Lucy was a baby. It is SO cute! It is my favorite book to give as a gift.

    Rachel- I'm so glad she likes it!

  4. We loved those gifts! That is the first book we have that has the hard cardboard pages, so I'm excited about that! And the blanket will be perfect for this crazy Arkansas weather. Really - I loved it all. Thanks so much Becca :) Hope you guys are doing well in Hot Springs.
