Friday, October 28

Halloween Preview

Billy and the kids got a chance to try out the Halloween costumes at our ward's trunk or treat tonight.  Not me.  I was working... and feeling sorry for myself.
Henry wanted to be Kai.  Who is Kai, you ask?  
This guy:

 Lucy wanted to be Hermione (from Harry Potter).  While I was curling her hair, she practiced introducing herself in her best British accent.  A pretty good one, too!
While I really did try to be on top of things this year, I had a hard time finding a gray pleated skirt or even a pattern for a pleated skirt, so I improvised.  Usually anything I try to make without a pattern turns out "rubbish", as Hermione would say, but this skirt kind of worked!  Yeah!

 Watch out!  These are some powerful kids!


  1. great costumes. Matthew said-WOW!! Ninja Kai-I want to be him for it!

  2. Love the costumes!! In the mood for Halloween after seeing this!

  3. Becca! Lucy looks so beautiful, especially in that first picture! Give her a hug for me. We miss you guys :)

  4. Great costumes! I love that first picture of Lucy! :)
