Friday, December 2

12 Squared: November Square

Paper piecing was the method of the month.  Shari picked a Tokyo Sun pattern.  It may have been my current slightly over-whelmed state of mind, but I had a hard time figuring this out!  Thankfully, my mother-in-law is an expert quilter and paper piecing aficionado... and I live in her backyard, so it was convenient to ask for her help.  
But, I like how this turned out (minus the mistakes).  It kind of reminds me of the sun in The Very Hungry Caterpillar.


  1. OH yes! Did you choose the fabrics? Looks fantastic and looks like it would be hard. Guess I will have look up that method. Good job Becc!

  2. We were given the center yellow fabric and the pattern, the rest of the fabric I picked!
