Saturday, December 24

Christmas Eve With (most of) the Gang

The Hartzells were gracious enough to let us descend upon their festive home for some traditional paninis and cookie decorating.
I call this photo "My Two Dads".  
Billy and Larry looked charming in their matching green khakis and red long sleeve shirts.
Harper was mesmerized by Billy's beard.  It held her interest for a long time.

 The kids had fun decorating cookies for Santa.

 Bram made a special one for a certain someone in our group who wasn't feeling their best.
(you know who you are)
 And, we attempted a 500 piece puzzle that proved more time consuming than we had time for.  
We tried to include the Sharp's via Skype and FaceTime, but honestly, it just wasn't the same.
After a quick detour to the pet store, we headed home for a simple, quiet dinner.  We read Christmas stories, opened pj's from Grandma J and went to bed at a decent hour.
I can't think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, we love and miss you all! Wish Skype would've worked...maybe today? Is the pumpkin a clue to who wasn't feeling well??...
