Saturday, December 10

Dolly's Christmas

I am grateful for grand daughters! and their dollies!
Sewing for them makes me happy!
Jacket, pants and pj's made from Simplicity Crafts pattern 5733.
Made this jacket and knit pants from a hoody my husband had tossed out!
Velcro buttons are embellished with silver ones. Pockets and hood are lined.
Had to make my own pattern for the doll's top to match this Lizzie McQuire pattern,
Simplicity 3513.

Using itty bitty scraps left from my pajama project, dolly got a pieced together pj top.
I like how the sleeves turned out.
Hoping my grand daughters and their dolls have a very Merry Christmas!


  1. MOM! I can't believe how much you've done. Doll clothes don't do it for me, so I'm really glad Lucy and Leah have you!

  2. Yes! We are very LUCKY to have you as our royal doll dressmaker! :) These all turned out great!
