Saturday, February 18

Mid Winter Break

It has been a long hard winter in more ways than one in my corner of the world.

Soon after the Christmas guest rooms were empty, we were hit with an unusual snow and ice storm.

We lost power for 3 1/2 days but for some it was even longer. The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was even closed for 6 hours when the sudden thaw brought murderous icicles crashing down on cars. Vegetation everywhere was damaged. We'll be raking up branches and limbs for months!

For two years we have anguished with our dear friends, Chuck and Judy Cox, over their missing daughter, Susan.

The loss of Charlie and Braden on February 5, has made the past couple of weeks hard to bear. Mark and I and other church friends rallied to help plan the memorial and funeral services on February 11.

I just happened to substitute teach at the school where Charlie attended first grade and kindergarten. The community support there was overwhelming as staff, students and families consoled one another.
It has been a bitter sweet time. Trials have softened my heart and brought me nearer to friends and family. I have been hugged by principals, neighbors and strangers I now call friends. My own faith has been renewed by the example of the Cox family.

I am taking a break from these winter challenges and indulging in a few red tulips, a personal favorite reminder that the best is yet to be.

Ready to leave winter behind and look forward to spring.

1 comment:

  1. I love tulips too... they bring the knowledge of warmer days ahead. Plus, they are so beautiful. The loss of Charlie and Braden was devastating to people that did not even know the family. Such heartbreak must be hard to bare knew/know the family. Hang in there, spring is just around the corner.
