Thursday, March 15

Sunday Art Bag

At the risk of ruining a surprise for someone, I'm posting this art bag Lucy and I put together for an upcoming birthday.
Those purple lines that mark the sections for markers is SUPPOSE to be disappearing ink.  I'm hoping that wasn't false advertising and that they'll be disappearing before long.
We filled it with things perfect for a Sunday afternoon of arts and crafts.  I don't want to give away too many surprises, but there's Sharpies...
apt utensils in more ways than one for the recipient.
And, a custom wrapping job fashioned by my own little up-cycling eight-year old.

Now, just to get it in the mail!


  1. anything with sharpies is an excellent gift!

  2. i'm on pins and needles!! even if it isn't headed to germany- i lurve it all the same! beautiful work, my friend!

  3. arrg I was going to use the yellow chevron for my little project...;) dang you and your promptness! Love the bag!
