Tuesday, March 20


I feel like I've been celebrating my birthday for a month.  Turning 33 has meant a very spoiled me.
Starting in L.A. last month with shopping and food galore.
Delightful packages from Germany and Hot Springs full of goodies.
A surprise GNO with some of my Hot Springs peeps.
Breakfast in bed, lovely Amazon Wish List fulfillment from Billy, and lots of homemade trinkets from my little ones. 
Family Sunday weenie-roast celebration.
An evening "off" in Little Rock where I celebrated my with some 
fabulous friends, which happened to be the only time I brought out my camera.
 Teriney, Maud and I shopped new fabric here.  I got some of this; which I've been waiting forever:
photo from DSQuilts.com
Then, we had some good eats at Big Orange.
Thai Steak Salad and Truffle Oil French Fries.
So delicious.
 Holly made it in time for the check.  Then, we headed over to my favorite stay-cation spot.
 After saying adios to T and M, Holly and I headed for book group.
 These ladies deserve a special post all their own.  I have been discussing literature, and pretty much everything else, with some of these dears for almost eight years.
I love my book group.
Love. Love. Love.
All in all, a very nice way to get one year older.  
I think I've partied enough to last until next year.


  1. sounds like a fun birthday! I love birthdays that last several days

  2. my heart has broken a tiny bit more. i miss you girls- my sistas. i'm sorry i missed your birthday, but i'm SO glad you feel celebrated! you deserve it! love you.
