Tuesday, May 15

Needle Punch Embroidery

A couple of years ago, I took a class from a local fabric store on needle punch embroidery.  I am in love with the way it looks and I have so many ideas of how to use it, but never seem to actually getting around to doing it.
 In the class, we started this little linen bunny bib.... but I never actually finished the thing.
When I found out a dear friend is having a baby next month and I thought this bib might be the perfect gift to send her...
It was just the motivation I needed to finish it up. 
Yay for finishing two year old projects! And yay for cute bibs!


  1. It's so cute!! There is no way I would let my baby use it though. It's more of a frame it and hang on the wall type thing!! I love it!

  2. that's beautiful! i agree, too pretty to use!
