Friday, June 22

Adventures in Dallas- 2012

The kids and I grabbed a couple of friends and headed down to Dallas for a mini-vacation.
First stop was Legoland in Grapevine and it was awesome!

 The kids had so much fun.  Definitely their favorite place of the whole trip.  There were rides and 4D movies, tons of big Lego displays and a Lego Store.

 Lucy has been doing lots of jobs around the house to earn extra money and saving up for the American Girl Store.  She had herself a mini-shopping spree and got Felicity's hair done at the salon.  
Sadly, no pictures.

We explored the historical downtown area.
 Looking for their names...
Our hotel was really... terrible.
Thanks, Priceline.
But, the location was fantastic.  We were downtown, right next to a little park and spitting distance from the JFK Memorial.  I'd never been there before.  It was very neat to see where such a nation changing event happened.

This is the school book depository where Lee Harvey Oswald waited for Kennedy's car to pass.
 A white X in the road marks where Kennedy was shot.

 Later, we hit up a splash park.  The weather was perfect.

Other stops included In and Out Burger, Ikea, H & M, Central Market Grocery store, Super Target, Costco, and City Craft.  Sometimes, it felt like we were wrangling a three-ring circus, but for the most part, the kids were troopers.

On the drive home, coming through a very rural stretch, Henry started to frantically yell, "I have to go number 3!".  I said, "What is number 3, Henry?", trying to determine if we could just pull over or if he'd could wait for a rest stop.  All he could do was squirm and shout, "I have to go number 3! NUMBER 3!!", while holding up three fingers.  When he really started panicking, I pulled off on a deserted side road and told him to get his shoes on.  But, he was already out the door shouting, "No time!".  It was a good thing I pulled over when I did, because number 3 does not wait for a rest stop or shoes. 

We made it home; safe, sound, happy,tired and with out any number 3 on our clothes.  That's what I call a successful vacation.


  1. ryli is so excited to see how long lucy's hair is!! looks like a really fun trip..wish we could've been there! you hit all the best spots:) love you guys!

  2. So fun! Lucy's hair is getting really long! I love the curls she had in the Legoland pics! The JFK Memorial would be really cool to see! xoxo

  3. Oh my word! I am laughing out loud at that post. "No time" from Henry. Seriously fun trip. Thanks a bunch.
