Friday, March 1

And Babies Make Six

Charlotte Jane & Tessa Mabel 
the newest members of our (not so) little family
Born Tuesday, Feb. 26th, 2013

We've had a whirlwind week with the arrival of our girls a month early.  I am glad to be done with pregnancy and that I didn't need a c-section.  We are all doing great and 
loving these perfect, tiny sweethearts.  
In the meantime, I am still at the hospital, waiting for the girls to perfect the art of body temperature maintenance and bilirubin testing with the hope of going home sometime this weekend.
Charlotte was born with some bruising and swelling on her face, which has made it easy to tell them apart for now.  They look similar, but we don't think they are identical.  There is a blood test we can have done to know for sure, but for now, we are just enjoying conducting tests of our own which involve many hours of staring at their tiny little faces.

Lucy and Henry are very sweet with their bitty new siblings.  They haven't gotten to spend a whole lot of time with them yet.  So, their feelings towards the girls are akin to seeing puppies at a pet store.

 We' are feeling the love from so many well wishers and appreciate all your words of kindness.  It may be a while before I post again here, but I will try to get an update or two out as I find time.  


  1. Beautiful babies! Love the look on Henry and Lucy's faces, in love for sure!

  2. awww!! Love the names! Very sweet!! Love to you all!!

  3. They are literal blessings. These are such precious moments of gratitude. I'm saying "thank you" prayers for everything you and Billy have gone through in the last few years.

  4. Charlotte (Bronte?) Jane (Austen?)...well played, Becca, well played! JK! Love thme both even regardless of their monikers! You too!

  5. Yay! SO happy for you guys! I love the names you picked out and they look so perfect. Glad it all went well. And I have to admit - I'm a little jealous that you're done being pregnant! I'm due April 13 (a couple of weeks after you were?) but with my luck, I'll probably be pregnant for 2 months longer than you, ha ha. Anyways, best of luck with the adjustment back home and I hope you're able to get as much rest as possible! xoxo

  6. Love!! love their names. love the happy faces from everyone. love that everyone is healthy. So happy for you all.

  7. They are beautiful! Congrats! I'm so excited to meet them and take their pictures!!

  8. LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Rest up friend! Hope you can get home soon!

  9. Yay! So beautiful! Good job Becca!
