Saturday, April 13

A Bowling Alley Cats Party: A lengthy birthday post for posterity

I think it all started with Milo and Otis.  
Then, Lucy got a Hogwarts Castle Lego set that came with some cat figures.  The castle was soon placed on a shelf and the cats became the catalyst (pun intended) that initiated L and H's imaginary cat world that consists of a number of special cats: Milo, Joy, Bequeath, Milo Jr., and Stripey, to name a few.
There are also Webkinz.  Lots of Webkinz cats that have the same names as the Lego cats.
They spend a lot of time thinking like cats.

In our house, we talk about birthday parties for months before they actually happen.  There is a lot of brainstorming and planning that goes into each one.  I consider birthdays a main maternal priority and responsibility.  I mean, if your own mom-- the person responsible for your birth-- won't make every reasonable effort to make you feel super special and celebrated on your birthday, then who will?  So, no matter the party request, I try my best to execute their vision.  Henry first wanted a Transformer party, which suited me just fine since I knew I would have my hands full with newborns.  Transformers would be easy-- you can pretty much let Party City take care of the details.  Then, he remembered (with Lucy's help) how much he loves cats. 
So, an alley cat party was requested.
I wasn't up for a full-on party at my house, with aforementioned newborns, so I suggested bowling.
Bowling Alley Cats.
If you Google "bowling alley cats", you will learn that there is a Tom and Jerry episode with the same name.  I dislike Tom and Jerry.  A lot.

With Mom's help, this is what we came up with:

Lucy and Henry made alley cat goodie bags.

We had fun, but a full game of bowling proved to be about 30 minutes too long for our average party goer.

Today is Henry's actual birthday.  We celebrated with a low-key family day, starting with breakfast in bed: and "h" shaped pancake and half a pear.

Presents followed.

We rounded out Henry's 6th year with lunch with cousins, cupcakes, two trips to Walmart (and a few new Lego sets), corn dogs for dinner, followed by a bonfire and s'mores.
Henry is a smart boy.  He is a thoughtful friend and very giving.  He loves to get compliments.  He is kind of sneaky- if something is misplaced, H is the first person we ask. He is a protective brother and cuddly son.  His laugh is infectious.  His imagination is immense.   
And we love him a ton!

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