Monday, July 15

Lucy Turns 10

 L wanted something small, not baby-ish, and laid back.
So, she invited a couple of friends from church and her cousin to come play cards, eat pizza, cupcakes, and ice cream sundaes, and watch a movie.
She ate a small lunch, saying she was saving room for the party.
 My girl loves to plan.  She writes lists.  Lots of lists.
There have been lists of party ideas floating around the house for weeks and weeks.
She was excited to decorate and loved the color scheme (no pink!) and even emptied the dishwasher (one of her chores) before I got up this morning to speed things along to the decorating.
 There were goodie pails for her friends.
 She decorated her own cupcakes and arranged the umbrellas just so.
 After opening presents, the girls headed next door to Grandma's, where I'm told the couches are more comfortable, to watch the latest American Girl movie.
Lots of giggling.  Lots of silliness.  I think it's safe to say, she felt celebrated.
I love my sweet, wonderful 10-year old.  It's great and terrible at the same time to see her growing up so fast, becoming this little lady.
Happy birthday, Lulu!
Ten-Year Old Lucy Loves...
Being out doors
Playing Skylanders
Reading Fablehaven books
Making lists and planning for things

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