Saturday, November 30

Love Letters Envelope Quilt for 12Squared

I finished up last year's 12Squared quilt this month.  Now, I'm ready for this year's, even though the year's almost over.
 I hand stitched with red around each block.  Then, machine quilted around all the envelopes.  My dear little machine was just not big enough to hand the volume of this quilt.  It ended up being a very generous twin sized.  So, the top is a bit loose, but I actually like how cozy it makes the quilt look.

 The weight and overall design of this quilt reminds me a lot of the one I made for Henry.
I feel like I'm so predictable!  Time to try something new.


  1. Becca, Did you hand stitch the pink outline? Look what all you can do with TWINS! You are amazing! It looks so nice.

  2. I did hand stitch around the blocks with red. Can't you tell by how uneven they stitches are? :)

  3. It turned out so well. Can I be more impressed that you did this with twin babies?

  4. Is this the famous quilt?

    (816 mersofh I'm not a robot)
