Saturday, March 1

Pip & Pop Turn One!

I've said it before, but I'll say it again.
I just love birthdays.
I love to celebrate the day those I love most came to be.  And so we celebrated Charlotte and Tess turning one with a yummy lunch shared with some close friends and family.
The girls had a cherry almond sour cream cupcake with almond buttercream frosting.
I think they liked it.

Oh, and to make the party that much sweeter, we celebrated Billy's birthday, too!
And our Leap Year sweetheart, Ruby turned six, so she was feted as well.
They got to share the candles on a coconut cake filled with coconut pastry cream and topped with a coconut Swiss buttercream.  It was pretty good, if I do say so myself.
The babies got more presents than they know what to do with. 
The most spoiled babies ever!
And I was there, too.

I'm still feel like I hit the jackpot with these two and sometimes cannot believe they belong to me.
You know that giddy feeling you get sometimes that starts in your gut and ends up as a smile on your face?  That's the feeling I get every time I look at them.
Happy birthday, Babies!


  1. Looks like a fun party!! All the food looked divine! You are AMAZING Becca!

  2. What a fun, beautiful party, Becca! All your children are absolutely beautiful, and I so know that giddy feeling you are talking about. Happy birthday, mini Fra-betties! :)
