Saturday, August 9

Printable Proclamation Poster

Say that ten times fast!
I was asked to do the crafts for our stake's girls' camp again this year.  It was so much fun.  What could be better than searching Pinterest for ideas and crafting supply shopping sprees at Michaels?  The stake Young Women's President asked that one of the crafts be a framed Proclamation to the World on the Family, so each girl would have a copy.  Wanting to do something with a little more pep than the beige church issued poster, I took highlights from each paragraph and made my own.  

Here's what I came up with and I thought I'd share.  Feel free to save, print and share these posters.  They look best printed as an 8x10 photo.  I only ask that you use these for personal use and not for profit.
If you have trouble saving them, leave me a message with your email address and I'll send you a file directly.


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