Friday, April 2

Book Review: These Is My Words

Rating: LOVED IT!
I thoroughly enjoyed this end of the 19th century love story based on the author's great-grandmother's diaries. Our book group did this book last month and I couldn't put it down. It has all the action and interest of a war novel with highly complex characters and relationships. This book now has a place as one of my favorites!


  1. I just finished this book and I loved it too! I never make it to book group, but sometimes I read the books.

  2. I loved, loved, loved this book, too. I hope the sequels are as good!

  3. Also one of my favorites Becca (though the end makes me bawl). I haven't read the sequels, let us know if you think they're any good!

  4. My mom highly recommended this book a couple of years ago and I have yet to read it. Thanks for reminding me!

  5. I've read this book once a year for about 5 years now. It immediatly went straight to the top of all time favorites, and I recommend it every chance I get. I've only read the beginning of the 2nd book, and didn't like I decided not to finish in fear that it would somehow ruin the first book for me. Great book! And I agree with Wendy--everyone going gaga over vampires needs to read this book. Don't you think it would also make a great movie?? I can just imagine the scenery. Part of why I love it is because we lived in Tucson for a couple of years, so I could really picture the setting.

    Sorry about my lengthy comment, sheesh!

  6. Mindy, I totally agree about it making a great movie! I love stories that take place at the turn of the century. This one does such a good job of bringing that time to life.
