Tuesday, April 6

Embellish Fetish

Somethings take me a long time to purchase because I don't really know what I want, only what I don't want. Such is the case with purses and bags. But, when I found this little bag online (and on sale!), I felt bold and decisive and bought it. I love the leather strap-- it is soft and buttery yet substantial. Someday, I might be able to afford an entire purse out of leather like this, but for now, just a strap will do. In an attempt to make it a little more interesting, I decided to pull out my old embroidery hoop and embellish the front pocket. I haven't embroidered since high school, so don't judge my skills too harshly. :)
Here's how it turned out:


  1. Your embellishment makes it a designer bag for sure! Perfect! Great embroidery job, what are you taking about?

  2. i think it looks awesome. you always impress me.
