Tuesday, March 9

CityCraft... I've been dreaming of you

Nothing helps clear the mind like a stroll through the tactile heaven of a well stocked fabric store. When I found CityCraft's website, I knew it was my answer to the winter blues. And just like that a trip to Dallas was planned.

The lovely store and owner, Callie.

And to make a wonderful afternoon even better, all of the flannels were 30% off!

We even got to bring a bit of heaven home with us. Now, I can spend what's left of the cold and rainy days working on some newly inspired projects.


  1. that gray shirt is going in the donation pile...

  2. So I guess this is why you can't go to Time Out for Women??!! :)

  3. Becca, let's start our own version of a cool, trendy, really neat fabric store! Lizzie went to the Urban Exchange in downtown Tacoma last month for a little sewing party called the Stitch and _Itch, even! I mean, I think sewing is really coming back for all sorts of people!

  4. Thank you so much for stopping by! We loved having you at CityCraft, and we can't wait for you to come back and visit. Love the blog!

