Tuesday, March 9

Thanks to my great friend, Wendy, for doing a little post for me. It feels so nice when people actually like what you make for them! You can read it here. She is one of the funniest people I know and her blog is just delightful.


  1. Just wait until your birthday...

  2. Can you tell I never get on facebook??? Just found out about your blog! So glad you're doing it and it is lovely! It's been a while, huh? Time flies and are kids are getting so grown up. You all look so fantastic!

  3. thanks, suzy! i've been loving your sewing creations that you've been making for kate. so cute!

  4. Umm, Becca, I didn't know you made any of those things that you made for Wendy and I'm your mother- the mother who failed to figure out how to get you to sit down and learn how to sew!
