Wednesday, November 17

A Re-Gift, of Sorts

A while ago, my good friend Wendy sent me a little package in the mail.  I love Wendy and I love packages, so I knew it was going to be good.  The package was full of Laura Gunn's Lantern's Bloom fabric.  Specially cut yards from Laura's PERSONAL collection.  That's right.  Fabric sent straight from the designer's studio.  Does it get any better that that?  I am a lucky girl to have friends with such connections.  I wanted to think of something extra special to make with such an extra special gift.  Something about this fabric really reminded me of another friend.  Every time I looked at it I wanted to make something for her.  As her birthday approached I started this quilt.  And then her birthday passed and it wasn't finished.  But, I finally got a chance to finish it up and I think it turned out really neat!  Happy (late) birthday Emily!

I followed the same general idea I had for this quilt I made last year out of scraps from my local fabric store's "garage sale".


  1. LOVE it!! I will send Laura a picture, (she loves to see things done with her fabric.)

  2. It DOESN'T get any better than that because I get to enjoy that gorgeous quilt EVERY day! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! And thanks to Wendy, too! :)

  3. I can totally see how that fabric reminded you of Emily! What a sweet gift. :)
