Wednesday, November 17

Shutterfly Offer

One of my favorite Christmas traditions is sending out (and receiving) Christmas cards.  I love to see how friends near and far have spent their year, where they've been , changes that have happened over the past 12 months, how their kids have grown, etc.  I love picking out a card that represents our little family and hope it will brighten its receivers day.  I love addressing envelopes and attaching Christmas stamps.  I love this tradition so much that I usually buy my cards during post holiday sales and save them in my stationary closet (don't judge me) until the next year.  This year, however, something even more delightful has presented itself.  Shutterfly is giving away 50 free photo cards for bloggers.  I saw this offer on my friend Jen's blog and thought I'd give it a try.  So, now, comes the fun (read hard) part... choosing which Shutterfly card to order!  I've got a few ideas, but am nowhere near a decision.  There are so many cute cards to choose from!  We already have our Christmas family photo, so I'm looking at cards that will compliment the coloring and orientation of the picture.  I really like the idea of the story cards.  Which one do you like best?  

If you would like a Christmas card from me, please let me know by posting a comment!  If you are a blogger and want to get in on this amazing deal, click here:


  1. Yeah! I'm glad this worked for you.

    I would love to get a Christmas card!

  2. you got it, jen! thanks for posting about it. i'm really excited to get my cards.

  3. I'd love your card as well. I think any choice will be great!! I'll email you our new address. It's hard to believe it's that time already again! Thanks so much for the heads up on this great deal!!
