Friday, November 19

Togetherness Makes: Part I

Petit Jean

It's pronounced "Petty Jeen", for anyone not from Arkansas and it was our first stop on a whirl wind week with Grandma J (aka the other half of this blog).  It was our first visit to the state park and we couldn't decide if we had just missed the peak Autumn colors or if we had had such a dry summer, the trees didn't have it in them to put on a show.  But, the weather was perfect for picnicking and the hikes were great.  Lucy found lots of bugs to her immense delight.

This little grasshopper offered bunches of entertainment (and a little terror) when it hopped from Lucy's hand to Grandma's shirt.  


We hiked to a couple of caves.  This first one had faint pictographs on the rock ceiling. 

Part of the hike travels over these "Turtle Rocks", which we though were volcanic but I think there was a sign that said the cracks were caused by erosion.

The last cave we made it to was called "Bear Cave".  This is a picture of two bears and one baby squirrel:

This was the perfect way to kick off a full week of fun.  Stay tuned to see what else togetherness makes!

1 comment:

  1. That was one of the most fun weeks of my entire life. I love you darling daughter! ~mom
