Monday, March 14

Jubilee 2011!

Just like last year, Billy and I sauntered down to the President Clinton Library for Jubilee.  We got there a little late, but still had a nice time (aka, there were still some refreshments left by the time we got there).  
This year the Sharps (who are always up for a good time) came, too.  I forgot my camera and I don't know the magic words that get pictures from my camera into my computer.  So, these precious photos are all I have to remember the night, thanks to Kristin's magical phone to computer powers.
Unlike last year, I was not in charge of the class art work.  It is a lot of work to execute an art project involving 75 grade schoolers.  No, this year I was off the hook and made a personal donation of two Star Wars pillows and some decoupaged suitcases.  Much easier than say three full sized quilts.
I didn't take any pictures of the pillows, but I made a Yoda and a Darth.  The auction went really well and my donations sold for more than I would have ever imagined.  

Now, I can start thinking about what to do for next year...


  1. do you have one??? if you send me some pictures, i'll post them! i don't even have pictures of my donations. :(
