Wednesday, June 15

Millions of Peaches, Peaches for Me

 We went with some friends to pick peaches and blackberries at a local orchard. 
 Henry, the gentleman, picked one for Hazel.  It is her birthday this week, you know.
I think this is my favorite picture of the morning.  Look at that cute baby bump!  

 Henry helped himself.  Sol helped himself.  The boys may have taken liberties with the free samples.
 Lucy, my nature girl, found a little frog in the grass.  Amazingly, on our way back out of the orchard, she found the frog again, in the same spot.
 This little frog was a hopeful beacon of what our tadpoles might become.  Sadly, upon returning home from the day's activities, we found all of the tadpoles had passed on to Holier Spheres.

 Hazel was serious about picking her "dad's favorite, blackberries".
 Once Sol looked like this, it was time to call it a morning.

We ended up with over 11 pounds of peaches, two heaping pints of blackberries, zucchini and yellow squash.  Now, I have to figure out how to make freezer jam...
  I hope to make a return trip to this great orchard for late summer fruit.  It was so much fun!


  1. Freezer jam is easy, just follow the directions that come with the pectin. It looks like a fun day!

  2. I used to love picking fruit from the orchard when we lived in Northern California.
    Looks like everyone had fun.
