Sunday, August 21

Another Mini Boden Knock Off

Mini Boden (one of my favorite kids' clothing companies) have their fall/winter lines up and running.  Among the loads of Mini goodies I'd love to have hanging in my kids' fall/winter closet, is this long sleeved rainbow t-shirt.  
Cute, huh?
 But, since I'd have to wait many moons for it to go on sale enough for me to buy, I thought I'd try my hand at making my own.
Here's what I came up with:

I would say this experiment was more successful than my last attempt at re-creating a Mini Boden item.
 If I were to try a rainbow shirt again, here are some things I'd do differently:
Make the ends of the colors uneven (more like Boden's version)
Consider leaving the rainbow open, instead of solid
Outline each color with embroidery floss.  

Things I would do the same:
Adhere the colors with basting spray instead of Wonder Under or Stitch Witchery.  There are a lot of layers of fabric there (the red is actually the size of the entire applique, each color is stacked on top of the last), so it doesn't need the added stiffness of an applique adhesive.


  1. Becca I LOVE your version, actually more than the original :)

  2. Love your rainbow! I would leave the middle open next time, too. Super cute!

  3. I just found out what Mini Boden is! lol. They sponsor my SIL's blog and I remembered your rainbow tee post and clicked on it. Such cute stuff! You should totally be a fashion designer for them. :) Love the shirt.
