Monday, August 22

Sunday Skirt

A new skirt for Lucy, similar to her first day of school  skirt from first grade.
This time, I added a pocket.
Fabric: Amy Butler Daisy Chain 
Pattern: none


  1. So, basically when you say "pattern: none" you are really saying, "I am totally awesome and people will want to be like me." I know I do. you are awesome.

  2. wendy- you crack me up!
    rachel- i will do my best to get a tutorial up. if not, you can come over anytime and we'll whip up a couple for your girls. they really take no time at all to do.

  3. Becca I want to come over and "whip up a couple" with you too!! This is beautiful and I so wish I could make them for bella so easily. I have tried to make skirts for her before but none turned out very well! YOu are so clever!
