Sunday, November 6

My Bird Whisperer

This is what  Billy and I woke up to this morning.
  Lucy found this cardinal in the grass.  It let her pick it up and she promptly brought it inside the house.  
Billy was a little grossed out.  Henry and I thought it was really neat.  Lucy thought it was magical.


  1. That is crazzzy and amazzzing! It is magical!

  2. I am so impressed! Great Gramma and Grampa Jasinski would be so proud of you. They loved birds and had the magical touch, just like you. GGma J once rescued an injured pigeon and nursed it back to health and it loved her forever.

    Love, Grampa J

  3. That is definitely magical! And your post about pampering Lucy when she was feeling anxious was so sweet. Makes me look forward to those kinds of days when Ingrid gets a bit older. Hope you guys are doing well and get your "limbo state" sorted our as quickly as possible!
